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Monday, 11 November 2013

Stupid Sanctions vs Basic Income 7: Its Christmas Day

There is a website called A Selection of Especially Stupid Benefit Sanctions filled with stories of ways in which our broken benefits system hurts people. I thought it would be good to compare what would have happened with welfare replaced by Basic Income Guarantee.

Of course its not terribly exciting because basic income doesn't judge people or make mistakes.

Our Current Welfare SystemWhat if we had basic income?
It’s Christmas Day and you don’t fill in your job search evidence form to show that you’ve looked for all the new jobs that are advertised on Christmas Day. You are sanctioned. Merry Christmas. 
Its Christmas day you have saved some of your basic income to buy gifts for the kids and you take a day off from looking for jobs


  1. I can't help but think you're wasting your time with these posts.

    I expect even the most suspicious of BI would recognise that the greatly simplified administration greatly reduces bureaucratic nightmares such as those you're listing.

    More pertinent answers would be to questions like;

    a) What approximate level would BI be set at (roughly). are talking about (for example) 40 hrs x minimum wage for an adult, or 40 x living wage, or another figure?

    b) With tax changes taken in to account, what overall impact would you expect this to have (ceteris paribus) on people with an earned income of £10,000, £20,000, £30,000, £40,000, £50,000 etc. - i.e. where would the tax burden fall?

    c) What effect would you expect it to have on the jobs market for lower-paid jobs? Now that everyone has (just) enough to live on, won't McDonalds et al have to increase their wages for burger flipping etc. to get staff? What sort of effect would this have on inflation?

    1. Thanks Greg, I intend to post more on that and your questions help, I'll post more on them later. But if you read the introductory booklet at it will give you some idea.

      BTW Burger flipper's jobs will be automated away soon.

      As for wasting my time with these stupid sanctions posts? I put them all into spreadsheet and used macros to generate the HTML. I then loaded it into blogger and scheduled the posts for one a day. If I die, blogger will continue posting them until there are no more. It took about as much time as writing one big article because it didn't need any thinking time. A good concise argument takes time
